Saturday, August 21, 2010

Australian Election: Hung Parliament Looks Increasingly Likely

Australia is facing the prospect of its first hung parliament in 70 years as counts continue during one of the closest elections for half a century.

With 76 seats Needed for victory, Julia Gillard's Labour party had Secured 71 against 66 for Tony Abbott's conservative Liberal / National coalition, on Fri 58 cent of votes had been counted Been, According to public broadcaster ABC. 
But Officials Both Sides Said is a hung parliament - Australia's first since 1940 - was looking "likely" Neither side with appearing set for an outright Majority in the 150-seat lower house. 

"I think a hung parliament is looking more and more likely," Liberal Senator Nick Minchin Told ABC, as results poured in from across the nation. 
"I can not yet find the 17 (seat swing) Needed by the Coalition. I've got a net gain of 15 for the Liberal Party at The Moment." 
The Sentiment was endorsed by Both Foreign Minister Stephen Smith and Shadow Treasurer, Joe Hockey, Ken called the a hung parliament the "most likely result." 
More than 14 million Australians cast Their votes before polls closed at 6pm today (8am GMT). 
Late Opinion polls putting the government and opposition Tied is 50 per cent EACH, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Said That with just 2.4 Fri cent of the vote counted, there was a swing of 2.5 cents Fri Towards the Liberal-National Coalition. 
Earlier, a Galaxy exit poll put Labor ahead 52 Fri cent to the Coalition's 48 cents Fri. 
Separate A Sky News exit poll from 30 marginal seats Labor has put 51 cents Fri Thurs 1949 Fri cent for the Liberal-National Coalition. 
However, pollsters warned before Voting closed That the race was so tight That it Zapraszamy still go either way. 
"We've always got a couple of PERCENT margin for error is These things, so really all I can say is the poll says a narrow Labour win vain the range of POSSIBILITIES ARE still a narrow Conservative victory through Thurs Probably comfortable Labour (win) , 'Auspoll analyst John Armitage said. 
Both Ms Gillard, the prime minister, and Tony Abbott, the leader of the opposition, were watching the counting with baited breath. 
Ms Gillard is due Thurs Appear at a Labour Party function in Melbourne later, while Mr. Abbott is a Scheduled Thurs attendee Coalition event in Sydney. 
Both Candidates Used the final days of the close race to repeat Their core messages, with the prime minister calling onAustralians NOT TO risk of a Coalition government and choose her "positive plan". 
Mr. Abbott, whose fortunes benefited from a 36-hour marathon of non-stop Campaigning at the end of the week, Said the prime minister was sounding "shrill and desperate" And that they believed at his party and manually get across the line. 
While the five-week election campaign has Been light and Ideology is a policy, it has Not Been without drama, turning into apresidential-style race at monetize points likened to a soap opera. 
Mr. Abbott, the Labour Party and Ken had Written off as unelectable a Matter of months ago in a dangerous underestimation, at his transformed image from maverick and Unpredictable One 'Capable and into a viable prime minister. They gained momentum in the Crucial final days of the campaign with an impressive display of skill and Political, STAMINA, Covering 10 electorates in a day and a half, and Eve's fitting in time to play a round of tennis at his wife and buy a bunch of flowers . 
Conversely, Labour ran a campaign patchy, WCG was badly overshadowed by voter Concerns over the ugly mainland wakes up in Mr Rudd was deposed just two months before polling day. 
Labour had vainly hoped That the electorate'd forget That Ms Gillard had knifed her boss, the vain audacious coup offended the Australian sense of decency and a Deeply-Held Belief That Even unpopular leaders deserve a fair go. 
The result of the election is likely Thurs hinge on a few marginal seat in the eastern states of Queensland and New South Wales. 
If Neither party manages Thurs secure the 76 seats They Need To form government, then the fate of the nation will rest in the hands of-three Independents and one Greens Party member Ken is likely to Be Elected for the first time.


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