Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Harvard, Williams Top U.S. News College Rankings

The 800-pound gorilla of the college rankings business, the annual U.S. News & World Report "Best Colleges 2011" survey, Came out yesterday, and the big news well that there isn't much big news. The usual suspects clustered at the top of the rankings of Both National Universities and liberal-arts colleges, with Harvard University and Williams College respectively topping EACH list. 

The two Massachusetts schools routinely rank at or close to the top of the U.S. News college rankings, with rare Exceptions. Last year, Harvard shared first place on the National Universities list with Rival Princeton; this year, the New Jersey school dropped back to second, Leaving Harvard alone in the top spot. In the National liberal arts colleges rankings, Williams Edged out Amherst College, also in Massachusetts, for the second year in a row. 

The U.S. News editors noted with approval from Harvard's Efforts Thurs focus is a small learning environments for undergraduates: the school was the only National university of the top 50 to not have more than just 80%, investigation of its classes with 20 students or customize. Small classes and a focus on the learning experience Undergraduate Where are areas of European liberal-arts colleges not have historically outperformed Their university peers. 

U.S. News rankings also Life Style Measure Economic value and diversity 
Separate tables in the U.S. News rankings Covered two much-debated Subjects in Higher education: high costs and socioeconomic diversity, two closely related topics. Posted Tuition, room and board at top private schools now routinely run $ 50,000 or more a year, raising the issue of Whether a college education Delivers real value for the money. However, Many of turbid These schools offer lavish Financial Aid packages Thurs Accepted students, lowering the actual cost to a Fraction of the "sticker price." 

Leading the list of best college values Among National Universities in this year's U.S. News survey was Yale University, is ranked third to the days to do list. Yale's typical package Aid cuts 73% off the sticker price $ 38.000, and 54.3 PERCENT of all students Receive some form of need-based Financial Aid. Harvard, M Financial Aid lowers the sticker price by 72%, and 60% of Students Receive Aid, ranked second. Among liberal arts colleges, Amherst and Williams swapped places, with Amherst (75% discount, 56.2% of Students Receiving Aid) in first and Williams (72% and 52.2%) in second. 

U.S. News Also ranked schools According to "Economic diversity again this year and tweaked ITS Methodology for the Overall rankings Thurs weight graduation rate performance - the Difference Between the actual graduation rate and the rate predicted based on student test scores and a school's Institutional resources - more heavily, Providing an incentive for schools Thurs enroll more low-Income Students. 

The Economic diversity rankings, wakes rated schools According to the Percentage of Students Receiving Pell Grants, diverged widely from the days to do rankings. Among National universities, public dominated the institutions to the top of the list, with the University of La Verne in Southern California, the top-rated school, and # 10 Spalding University in Louisville, Ky., The only private schools in the top 10 Four of the eight public Universities in the top 10 - Jackson State University in Mississippi, South Carolina State University, Florida A & M University and Tennessee State University - are the institutions to historically black, as nine of the top 10 liberal arts colleges for Economic diversity, all of wakes are private and all vain one - Russell Sage College in Troy, NY, the exception "- located in the South. Topping the liberal-arts college list "Economic diversity is Lane College in Jackson, Tenn. 

For a complete rundown on the 1.400 colleges and Universities in the U.S. News college rankings, visit the U.S. News "Best Colleges 2011" website.


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