Sunday, August 15, 2010

Indianapolis Colts' Preseason: Tom Brandstater Outplays Curtis Painter

The Colts' 37-17 loss to the 49ers was Both unimportant and telling. The first team Offense looked crisp, Including wide receiver Anthony Gonzalez Ken Recorded one reception for 18 yards, in at his return from injury. 

The Defense looked shady as the game progressed, but their only the second-and third-stringers had real problems with San Francisco's power running game.Indianapolis Allowed niner's sixth-round pick Anthony Dixon Thurs rush for 100 yards on 21 Carries. 

Nearly all of the preceding is unimportant except maybe Gonzalez's return Successful Because the rest Can Be attributed this Thurs Being the first real action the Colts have seen in quite some time. 

The Colts are a championship caliber football team and lose in a blowout preseason play is nothing to get Worked up about. 

The Colts' battle for back-up quarterback heated up or cooled down Depending on your perspective. 

Awaiting Neither Tom Brandstater nor Curtis Painter Played very well, Brandstater outperformed Painter in the always-reliable eye test. 

Brandstater is more athletic, has a Stronger arm and is this day, who was far more Accurate. They Completed eight of 12 passes for 34 yards, with one touchdown and one Interception. 

Painter had an awful day at the office Completing nine passes out of 19 attempts for 64 yards and-three interceptions. 

Brandstater had a below average quarterback rating of 63.2 vain Painter was far worse with a 16.0 revolting. Thurs answer your question, yes, the quarterback rating is still on a scale from 0.0 158.3 Thurs. 

I'd Not be the Millionaires bit surprised if Brandstater gets more snaps next time out. May Eve, they take over for Manning against Buffalo next week. 

Anthony Gonzalez looked just fine in at his first game back since injuring at his knee in 2009. He was Targeted Twice and caught a screen pass from Peyton Manning and Turned it into an 18-yard gain.

Less Need to Say (I always hate "when people use That phrase), they showed some speed, quickness, and agility on the catch. 

Many were speculating Whether they'd not have the cloudy burst That made him so Successful in Columbus and in at his rookie season and 2008 campaign. 

As far as I could tell, During limited playing time mind you, Gonzalez looked Nearly 100 PERCENT. 

Next week Colts' fans Should get a better look at Gonzalez "when most NFL teams play Their starters for The entire first half.


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