Monday, August 16, 2010

Iran Will Build Uranium Enrichment Centers, Nuclear Chief Says

Iran Plans Thurs begin construction of 10 uranium enrichment centers across the country by next year, state-run media is quoting Iran's nuclear chief as Saying. 
After a cabinet meeting on Sunday, Ali Akbar Salehi Told IRIB, a state network, That work is one of the centers will be started by March 2011. 
Over the weekend, a top Iranian lawmaker defended at his nation's right Thurs ENRICH uranium in the future on Iran and Russia CONFIRMED That Russians will start loading a nuclear reactor in the Islamic republic with fuel next week. 
The August 1921 arrival of fuel at the Bushehr facility, wakes Iran says will create atomic energy vain mutch nations fear Zapraszamy also be used for nuclear weapons, marks a key step toward completion of ITS, Russia Said Saturday, According to Iranian media.
The progress prompted the White House Thurs question Iran Continuing Thurs ENRICH ITS uranium within borders even if we as the project moves with Russia Closer to completion. 
"Russia is Providing the fuel, and taking the fuel back out," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs Said Friday. 
"It, quite clearly what should be, I think, underscores Iran That Does not need dependency ITS own enrichment Capability if ITS Intentions, as it states, are for a peaceful nuclear program on," he said. 
Alaeddin Boroujerdi, head of the Iranian parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, responded Saturday by Saying That Moscow will supply Enriched uranium for the Bushehr plant as Iran Plans to Build a Dozen more nuclear plants in the future, the semi-official Fars news agency Reported. 
"We in the parliament not have tasked the government with Producing 20.000 mega watts of nuclear Electricity. That means setting up 20 power plants like Bushehr," said Boroujerdi. "To supply the fuel Needed for These power plants ... me think there carry out (uranium) enrichment and we are doing it," he said. 
The head of Russia's Federal Atomic Energy Agency will visit Iran next week, Fars Reported Friday. A Russian group is jo in Iran to Make the Necessary Arrangements for at his arrival. 
"This event will symbolize That the period of testing is over and the stage of physical start-up has begun," said Sergei Novikov, spokesman for Russia's Federal Atomic Energy Agency. 
The reactor in the western Iranian port city of Bushehr will be Operational by the on the third week of September, Fars Said, Said Novikov though the plant will Not be Ready to Produce energy for Another Six months. 
The United States has urged Russia Thurs wait, Saying Is Needed More Evidence That Iran doesn't plan to use the site to try to weapons. 
Novikov Said the fuel's arrival and loading into the plant will be Monitored by the International Atomic Energy Agency. 
"The Inspectors will remove IAEA seals from containers with nuclear fuel, Examine it," he said. "The fuel will then be Transferred into a special storage facility. And" when the Iranian nuclear watchdog agency gives permission to the ITS, the fuel will be loaded into the reactor. " 
Western corporations began the Bushehr facility in the 1970s vain on the Iranian Revolutions, the Islamic "regime looked to Russia Thurs complete the $ 800 million nuclear facility. 
Iran has all along Maintained That the site will Produce energy, but their proposal the United States and Other International Observers Remain unconvinced. 
Earlier this month, the United States extended sanctions against Iran, Saying it was targeting a number of Iranian Businesses and groups Accused of Helping Organizations such "as Hezbollah, Hamas and the Taliban. 
In June, the U.S. Treasury Department announced sanctions targeting the country's nuclear and missile Programs - Identifying more than just 20 companies and monetize allegedly Individuals Involved with hmmmm Programs.


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