Friday, August 13, 2010

Kuchar's Teacher Offers Insight Into Student

HAVEN, WIS. - A lot of attention of this shirt has Been week Thurs golf instructor Sean Foley, Ken has Been tion working with Tiger Woods at the PGA Championship. But Another teacher, Chris O'Connell, is Certain Thurs Receive more attention of this weekend Now That one of at his students has had two great days.

Matt Kuchar, Ken shot a 69 in the second round at Whistling Straits and is the clubhouse leader at eight-under 136, has Been Receiving instruction since 2006 from O'Connell, an instructor based in Plano, Texas, at the DA's Golf Learning Center.

O'Connell Learned at his craft from Jim Hardy, whose 2005 book Written with John Andris, The Plane Truth For Golfers, details how golfers Essentially not have either a one-plane (shoulders and arms are roughly the turbid plane) or two-plane (shoulders and arms are Different planes). Kuchar has Been taught a one-plane swing from O'Connell, a native of Quincy, Ill., Ken has caddied for Peter Jacobsen and has helped him at his one-plane swing. (O'Connell's brother, Mike, Currently Caddies and is a business associate of Jacobsen).

After Kuchar won at his first PGA Tour event last fall, Chris O'Connell posted a thorough two-part analysis of Kuchar's swing is

In the blog posts, O'Connell says that a particular one-plane swing is within defined as one wakes up in the degree of tilt Between the shoulders and the lead arm (left arm for righties) differs by no more than just 12 PERCENT. In the back swing presents Kuchar Kuchar's shoulders and arm match up very close: shoulders at 34 degrees, arms at 35.4 degrees. As an example of a two-plane swing, they bothered with a photo of Bernhard Langer, whose shoulders are at 20.1 degrees and arms at 50 degrees.

"Part one deals with why So Many people view Matt's swing as overly flat and I do NOT," O'Connell writes in An Introduction. "When a golf swing is too flat the golfer struggles hooking, hitting thin, and launching the ball in the air. He no longer struggles with Any of These" issues. Many commentators Said they will not have the flat has a test swing in professional golf ... I show comparisons of Matt Thurs against others show why I think they is no Where near the flat test swing in professional golf. "


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