Monday, August 16, 2010

Photographers Were Denied Access to Obama Swim

Recalling the hubbub That occurred the last time the news media Photographed President Barack Obama shirtless in swim trunks - the White House Took Steps to Avoid a repeat performance. 
While Obama and daughter Sasha Took a swim in the waters near Panama City Beach, the White House press photographers herded into a hotel, reports the New York Times' Jeremy M. Peters. 
The White House then the media Offered one photo Taken by a White House staff photographer, Peters reports. 
The New York Times, "Peters reports: 
But the photographers and Reporters traveling with the president over the weekend were irritated to learn That They had Been Excluded from Documenting Mr. Obama's swim, wakes had Become a politicized issue Because of the BP oil spill. By Choosing to go in the water, the president was making a symbolic Gesture That the waters of the Gulf of Mexico were safe Indeed for recreational use. 
(Note: The Obama Actually swam off Alligator Point in St. Andrew Bay, not the Gulf. Many headlines Reported That the event Took place in the Gulf. The Distinction has led Thurs some allegations of Deception and Thurs Debate over Whether the swim Achieved the Intended symbolism. See links at the bottom of this item.) 
Peters' article Continues: 
The White House press office's use of Flickr photos as a substitute for the photos Taken by the press corps has Become a sore subject Among photographers news Assigned by Their Organizations Thurs cover the president. Photographers not have complained That the White House too often distributes ITS own photos of presidential events while Not allowing news photographers Thurs attendee. 
Thurs photographers, using a photo Taken by the White House is Akin Thurs reprinting a news release, and many news Organizations such "refuse-to-use photos. The Associated Press did Not distribute the photo of the president's swim is Saturday. A spokesman for The AP, Paul Colford, Said That Generally, the service "Does not distribute a handout photo When We just wish you had not have as Easily Taken the image ourselves." 


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