Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Quayle Among Winners in Arizona GOP Primaries

It. John McCain 's big win in Arizona at his GOP primary had top billing on Tuesday, vain-three Republican House primaries set up Competitive general election contests - and one likely decided that a particular Quayle will be the next Congressman from the 3rd district. 

The headliner May Have Been Iraq War veteran Jesse Kelly's 10-point lead over former state it. Jonathan Paton in the Tucson-based 8th district, M Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is running for a third to term. Paton have entered the race late vain National Republicans they believed was a Candidate Ken Zapraszamy Defeat Giffords. 

Kelly is a Political Newcomer with a thin resume, but their proposal, they excited the GOP base and will not have plenty of Establishment support. Many Southeastern Arizona Republicans were frustrated by 2008 nominee Tim Bee's unwillingness Thurs attack Giffords. In Kelly, They see a bulldog of a Candidate. 

Despite the inherent challenge of running in a moderate district in a strong year for Republicans, Giffords has built up a $ 2 million war chest and has Worked hard to Reduce Vulnerability her. Plus, the National Republican Congressional Committee left the district off the ITS initial list of races it target Plans Thurs with TV ads - a sign That it is still unsure how the Competitive race will be. 

In the 5th district, Rep. Harry Mitchell (D) will likely face David Schweikert, whom they defeated by 9 points in 2008. However, this Phoenix-area district was once represented by conservative Republican Rep.. J.D. Hayworth, Ken just lost the Senate primary Thurs McCain. 

A third to the House race to watch is in the 1st district, M freshman Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D) will Need to hold off a challenge from an apparently well-Connected dentist in Gosar Paul (R), led the WHO in 2008 nominee Sydney Hay and former state Senate Majority Leader Rusty Bowers. Gosar,-taking donations from dentists across the country, Easily led the field in fundraising and spent More Than Twice as much as anyone else.


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