Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Debt-laden Portugal Readies New Austerity Measures

LISBON, Portugal - Portugal's Minority government convened an unscheduled Cabinet meeting on Wednesday as it Came under pressure Fierce Thurs explain how it intends Thurs steer the country out of a deepening Financial Crisis.

The meeting, initially Planned for Thursday, as trade unions Came Prepared Thurs stage more street protests against the government's austerity Policies.

The center-left Socialist government also Life Needs to Address Investor Fears about the country's Ability Thurs ITS service huge debt Burden. The Cost of Borrowing is international markets has surged in the euro Thurs-era records in Recent Days as investors demand bigger Their Returns for risking money in Portugal.

At the sametime, the opposition parties are Refusing to Endorsia tax hikes in the 2011 state budget, Saying They Would choke Economic Growth. The government, Which does not have Enough votes have ITS OWN Thurs push the budget through Parliament, has said it Needs Additional Revenue as well as Spending cuts to Meet ITS target.

The government, Which has Offered Thurs Negotiate With The main opposition center-right Social Democratic Party, has warned it Will Not Be Able to Run the country if it has no budget.

HOWEVER, it has stopped short of saying it will Resign if the ITS Budget Proposal is Rejected.


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