Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"Glee" Britney Spears Episode Puts Heather Morris Front and Center

Tuesday night is a Glee, it was Brittany vs. Britney.

The pop diva herself was at the center of the show (even if her much-hyped cameo was minimal). The Glee Kids Want to PERFORM a Britney Spears song for McKinley High's homecoming pep rally, Mr. Bout Schue nixes the idea Because they thinks she's a Bad Role Model.

The brilliantly dim Brittany demands That no Britney Spears Be Performed in the Glee Club, Because the two have the Same name - HERS is Brittany S. Pierce (say it fast and you'll get it), and she Feels she'll Never Measure Up to the singer.

We also Life Meet Emma's new boyfriend, the dentist, Dr. Carl (guest star John Stamos), "when they crashes a guidance office chat Between Will and Emma. In a gesture meant Thurs Shem like they was fine with Emma's relationship, Will Carl offers To Have Come to Teach the Glee Club about oral hygiene.

Carl Chew Makes Them That something turns blue if Their teeth They have tooth decay - Rachel, Artie and Brittany (WHO Explained, rationally, That she never brushes her teeth But washes her mouth out with soda after meals), have it the worst and earn themselves a date in the dentist's chair. High on Nitrous Oxide while Uncle Jesse does his thing, Each has Fantasies involving Britney Spears and her music.

And now, onto the numbers!

"I'm a Slave 4 U." Congrats, Heather Morris Gets To Be front and center! Hers is the first fantasy, and she rocks the song and the classic Britney costumes - the "Slave 4 U" outfit (complete with snake!), The "Toxic" sparkly bodysuit and the "Oops! I Did It Again" red leather jumpsuit . This is the first time we've heard her sing solo, and she's pretty good, But the dance moves win.


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