Friday, September 3, 2010

Weekend Briefing

Troubled Water: The White House has battled the oil industry all summer over a ban is a deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, but their proposal the two sides seemed Thurs Agree to have at least that many one thing: The Gulf's mutch, shallower oil rigs and platforms are much safer please deep ones like the Deepwater Horizon. The shallow-water Varieties not have therefor Been Allowed Thurs keep Operating on the Gulf oil spill - Provided They Meet new safety rules - But A fresh accident this week has now cast a sheen of doubt over all Gulf oil drilling, deep or shallow. This latest Snafu Struck about 100 miles south of Louisiana Thursday morning, "when a fire erupted inexplicably is Mariner Energy's Vermilion 380-A oil platform, forcing all 13 crew members Thurs leap over board-taking and hours for boats Thurs extinguish fire (pictured). The basis of the incident has a few key Differences from the Deepwater Horizon blowout, namely That no one was killed or Seriously injured, and, despite initial reports, no oil spill has Been found. Also it occurred in only 340 feet of water, compared with the mile-deep BP spill, but their Difference That is precisely the point, some Critics say, since Americans Have Been Told That months for shallow drilling isn't risky. "Since the beginning of this crisis, the Obama administration has attempted Thurs limit the Crisis Thurs deep water drilling and Thurs Suggest That shallow-water oil drilling is safe," the head of the Center for Biological Diversity tells the Washington Post. "I'm not in the Millionaires That bit surprised but we have a big shallow-water drilling explosion right now." Not only are such infernos Fairly common in the Gulf - 133 Fires or explosions lit up the Gulf oil rigs and platforms in 2009, for example - vain shallower rigs Actually Shem more blowout-Prone: Of 39 Gulf blowouts Between 1992 and 2006, 33 of Them were in less than 500 feet of water. Given the FAQ and history of oil drilling in the Gulf, the Vermilion fire has now high-profile Drawn Scrutiny Thurs shallow-water drilling, too. "What it does bring to-light well that there are free of risks with Oil and Gas Production ... that go beyond deep water drilling," says Donald F. Boesch, an Environmental scientist and member of the presidential commission Investigating the BP spill.


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