Saturday, October 2, 2010

Children Learn to Shuck Corn in Sunderland Elementary School's Farm to Table Program

It was corn-shucking time this week at Sunderland Elementary School Where students participated in a corn-shucking bee as part of the school's annual Farm to Table program.

"Some of the best food They CAN partaken of is grown right here on the Land Around Them," said Principal Timothy P. Merritt.

Thurs Foster a connection with the land They live in, the People They Live With and That Is the food grown in Their town, students were Scheduled Thurs pickup More Than 250 ears of corn and root vegetables from local Farms, participate in the corn-shucking Bee and Learn About Their Agricultural vibrant community.

Rain on Monday and on Tuesday forced students' picking Activities To Be postponed, But Sylvia Maes, Pola, Parent Volunteer and Program Coordinator for the school's Farm to Table program, Delivered the corn from nearby Warner Farms for the all-school corn-shucking bee.

On Thursday, a walk was Planned to the Kitchen Garden for the kindergarten and fourth-grade students, she said, Thursday Harvest "some vegetables and for the fourth-graders Thurs Receive a lesson is a supply and demand. Also on Saturday, there was a local corn and vegetable lunch for the school community.

Second-Grader Rosa Adriana Saravia, 7, said shucking the corn was fun.

"I love corn," she said. "It tastes sweet."

Thaddeus J. Sargent, 7, A Second-Grader from Montague, said the shucking was hardwork But fun. "It would've Been funner if we got to pick it ourself," they commented.

Michael Wissemann, owner of Warner Farm in Sunderland, donated the corn, and Caroline C. Pam, an owner of the Kitchen Garden, also in. Sunderland, donated the root vegetables.

"It is so Rewarding Thurs Connect our children with the incredible bounty we have here in Sunderland," Maes, Polan said. "These events give the Entire school community an Opportunity To Learn Where Their Comes from food and how delicious it is while Celebrating Our Land and Local Produce Heritage."

"In this day and age, Many think food Comes from big box stores," Merritt said. "But, Sunderland has an agriculturally rich environment that's in our history, In Our Present and Our Future too."

Some people eat only Prepared food, Maes, Polan said, so "some children had occurred never shucked corn before one of the school's Bees. "We can not Assume Because we live in this wonderful area Agricultural That everyone has direct experience Preparing food grown here from scratch."

The events are a way for the school community "to take advantage of what's really in our back and front yards," Merritt said, noting That it's important for the children To Learn about agriculture Because it is "a Sustainable part of the history of Somewhere we are "and helps Thurs Foster Their awareness about wellness and good nutrition.

Previous Sunderland Elementary School to Farm-to-Table Programs have included a strawberry harvester, pepper and potato picking cleaning.


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