Thursday, October 28, 2010

Declan Sullivan Dies While Taping Football Practice

The University of Notre Dame is Shocked and saddened, right now, with the untimely Demise of One of Their pupils WHO was, considerably, doing his best Thurs declare his support and love for his school. Declan Sullivan toppled to His death while they was videotaping the football practice "when they Scissor Lift That was a Fell Down To The Ground Because of strong, gusty wind.
The day started right enough, with clear skies and an Essentially safe atmosphere. Around 4:30 pm, Sullivan apparently tweeted That they was feeling a bit terrified from the high force of moving air That YEE ITS way up to him and his lift. By 4: 50, the lift under Gave The Mighty Wind and Sullivan Brought Down with it.

Notre Dame now faces a lot of questions and recriminations - starting with the Obvious: Why was a student so high up on the day after the tornado Sirens closed down the school?


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