Thursday, October 28, 2010

Obama's Rough Daily Show Turn: "Yes We Can, But. . . "

At times, one got the sense That Jon Stewart was being merciful. More than just about anyone with a TV, they CAN eviscerate Public Officials, Even When They are sitting next to him. But with President Obama in the chair, in full-bore detached, humble, professorial mode - "I think it's a legitimate question," etc .-- Stewart Kept passing on the big Openings. When Obama blundered by saying Larry Summers HAD done a "heckuva job," Stewart's response was "You do not want to use That phrase, dude." When Obama said, "Yes We Can, But," Stewart Offered a polite chuckle.
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Barack Obama Pt. 3
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

What is Perhaps most interesting about the wholesale appearance is what it Told us about Obama. When He Is Up Against the Wall, his response is a retreat Thurs reason. No big campaign rhetoric, no attacks zinging. They gets more humble, and more professorial, less dynamic. This is, ironically, Exactly the kind of "sanity" that Stewart Claims Thurs want in the Political Discussion - A Reasonable Debate on the Issues in Which no one gets dinged for a clumsy soundbite. But That Is Not How TV Works, Especially in the case is Stewart's show. What Will Be Remembered from this appearance are the stumbles, Not the sober Framework That Contained Them.


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