EARLIER this week, we joked That Blake Griffin has "the Poise and Eloquence of Barack Obama, But the sex appeal of Sarah Palin." That they "dictates like Caesar, But delegates like Lincoln." They are toys with his opponents like a "modern-day Boss Tweed" and then pauses, they like JFK, "so we all CAN Consider his promise of a better tomorrow."
And they stays out of foul trouble, "Striking the Perfect Balance Between Resistance and restraint. It's as if Gandhi were alive and well, playing power forward for the Los Angeles Clippers."
So, yes: people are high is Blake Griffin this year. After missing his first Entire year with the Clippers, he's back and (apparently) Better Than Ever. So how did they look in his first NBA game?
Um, pretty good. Pretty, pretty good. In Addition to the highlights above, they HAD 20 points, 14 rebounds, and 4 assists. Even after the Clippers lost, SB Nation's Clips Nation summed up the evening pretty well: "This just in: Blake Griffin is pretty good."
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