Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Election Results: New Generation of Diverse Republican Leaders NOV 3 2010

A few years ago, people were saying That was the GOP leader and the party less evangelical was on the verge of extinction. Things have changed, haven't they?

First Came the unexpected Republican Victories of Scott Brown in Massachusetts and Chris Christie in New Jersey, straight-talking, charismatic "Everyman" who Want to reign in out-of-control government spending to high heaven.

And last night's results Continued the trend with Elected Candidates from all backgrounds. For example, in Addition to the election of Nikki Haley as South Carolina's new governor, Marco Rubio, the son of Cuban Exiles-won Florida's high-profile U.S. Open Given Senate seat and the Amount of press coverage is Already Is A Political superstar.

In New Mexico, Susana Martinez becomes the first Latina ever Elected governor in the U.S. She was also Life Responsible for Political Perhaps the best commercial of the Entire campaign season.

One of the more things that it Absurd. Harry Reid said the campaign was DURING That They Could not Understand how Hispanics nudged vote for the GOP. Well, the governor-elect of Reid's home state of Nevada, Republican Brian Sandoval, is of Hispanic decent. In a Further Irony, Sandoval soundly defeated Reid's son Rory in the gubernatorial election.

Although They Fell a little short in the Senate, the GOP made historic, unprecedented in Capturing the Gains Majority in the House of Representatives. This Includes the election of black Republicans Tim Scott of South Carolina and Lt. Col. Allen West (Ret.) in Florida.

It Should Also be mentioned That Mark Kirk, the Republican, captured Obama's former Senate seat in Illinois, and Will Be Sworn In Immediately Rather Than Have to Wait Until January.


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