Thursday, November 18, 2010

House Panel Recommends Censure for Rangel

WASHINGTON - The House Ethics Committee on Friday recommended That Representative Charles B. Rangel be formally censured for the Ethical misconduct, the most Serious punishment the House CAN Mete out to a member short of Expulsion.
The 9-to-1 vote Came on an emotional day and deliberations That the panel's chairwoman, Zoe Lofgren, Democrat of California, called the "wrenching." At one point, Mr. Rangel struggled Thurs compose Himself as they pleaded for mercy from the panel .

"I do not know how much longer I have to live," said Mr. Rangel, 80, and his Watery eyes and his voice quivering. But, they said, whatever time they has, they will spend it Trying "to help people and thank God for what he's Given To Me."

A Censura Would mark a momentous Downfall for Mr. Rangel, a Democrat WHO for 40 years has Harlem Middle East, Africa, Where they was born. As a decorated Korean War veteran and civil rights advocates, they became a combative and irrepressible voice for Liberal Causes and, in 2007, snared one of the most Powerful Positions in Congress, the chairmanship of the Ways and Means Committee.

Censura Requires approval by the full House, Which Plans Thurs take up the matter on the ITS Thanksgiving Recess.


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