Saturday, November 20, 2010

NATO Summit and Increasing Tensions

"You May Not be interested in war But war is interested in you." Leon Trotsky

Whether we like or NOT India Must Remain aware of what is happening or Might happen in our neighborhood IE South West Asia i.e. Afghanistan, Iran etc.
According to the North Atlantic Washington definition now Covers the Entire World. U.S. led NATO Warlords aka military-industry complex in axis with the Energy and Financial Interests Consider now the rest of the world ITS enemy without saying so.

In Any case with Defense Spending of US-alone $ 700 Billion USD, as much as the rest of the world put Together plus Huge Sums being spent by 26 Other NATO Members, the Sums are colossal. Quite Obviously the Intentions are far from defensive Bout Thurs Thurs Dominate continue and threaten the rest of the world.

Never mind the U.S. is fast declining needing Another infusion 0f $ 600 Billion to add to 2 trillion added on computer screens two years ago, with nothing to back These Massive Sums EU finances are in turmoil with Ireland needing a bailout. Something has to Give in Sooner or Later.

Then there are reports and statement of the U.S. That is building BASES in Iraq and Afghanistan, in the north. First time since 2001 heavy tanks are being used by U.S. marines in Afghanistan. Is it Whistling in the Dark Thurs browbeat Tehran and the Taliban. It Is Unlikely Thurs Succeed.

Again all options Remain on the US / Israeli table Including bombing Iran, Which most analysts feel will trigger WWIII and a demi Armageddon.

As for India we have a history of Waking up only after the invaders have YEE Panipat in medieval times and now days our inability Thurs inflict Damage After the attacks the Parliament in 2000 and 2611 public rape of Mumbai on 10 (!) Commandos landed at Pak Mumbai beach with the FBI's complicity.

In 1960s U.S. AMB John Gailbraith HAD described India as a functioning and anarchy. India has long since morphed into a dysfunctional state with no comprehension or Respect for rule of law. "I have done no wrong 'politicians say, since what They are OK in the book Their." Law will take the ITS own course "In India it takes a course decided by the politicians.

Then we have a dopey looking slow witted External Affairs Minister Remember his performance in Pakistan with Quraysh. What they Provide leadership CAN!

NATO Leaders Agree To New Missile Shield

According to media reports of NATO leaders meeting in Portugal have Agreed to a new Missile Defense Shield To Cover The whole of Europe as well as the U.S..

The Ambitious Project Would see the U.S. anti-missile interceptors Strategically placed across Europe to Protect every country on the continent. Would it include BASES in Romania, Poland and Turkey and possibly be linked Would Thurs Existing European defenses.

Would stop the system from incoming Missiles and Rockets from an enemy state. (Syria, Iran. Lebanon, or North Korea --- Russia, China!)

It Is Estimated expanded the Anti-Missile Defense Would the cost More Than $ 250 Billion over the next 10 years. According to information available TENS of BILLIONS spent is this Star Wars technology Remains unproved. Do They expect Iran etc Thurs cave in as did Gorbachev Thurs Reagan's Star War Threats.

Russia has opposed Previously Such Plans.

Below is a very superb article by Brazilian journalist Pepe Escobar full of black humor and wit is a NATO Policies and Plans at the End is an article by Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov firmly outlining Moscow views.

We in India and our media are sunk in covering and exposing the Bottomless pit of corruption and venality by the Political elite across the board.

Plus ce change, plus ce la meme chose. This French proverbs mean


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