Saturday, August 14, 2010

Opinion Roundup: Obama's Mosque Speech Sparks Strong Reaction

Fitting Statement, But ... 
President Obama's remarks about the community center and mosque Planned for the neighborhood of Ground Zero were fitting a restatement of American fealty Thurs Fundamental Freedom of religion .... That Said, It Must Also Be Recognized - and unfortunately Obama did do so Not Fully - That the Hallowed ground of 9 / 11 stirs the Deepest of emotions. That's why even if we as most of hmmmm polled saw the Right to build, 64% still Said the location was wrong simply for a mosque and Islamic-related facility ... Those are legitimate sentiments, born of bigotry Not vain of Reverence. They must be respected. - Editorial, New York Daily News 

Not hedging a Bit 
The foes of the Islamic Center Have Been Trying Thurs drag Obama into this Debate, and some not have urged Obama Thurs Avoid wading into it. But now they has, and they isn't hedging a bit: He's Saying That Opposing the group's Right to build the Islamic Center is, in essence, un-American. I look forward to the response from the project's opponents. - Greg Sargent, The Washington Post 

Missing the Point 
Like so much of the other stuff Obama says, this is an Exercise in missing the point. The issue IS NOT, legally, Whether the Muslims Can construct a mosque at Ground Zero - That is, think there Whether state action to prevent it from doing so Them As Long As They Operate In "accordance with local Laws and ordinances." Of course NOT. That would be unconstitutional. But there's a lot of stuff that's legal That still isn't right. And so, "when it was random to the mosque, the real question is Whether it Ask a question, built, and at only this one Particular site - Whether Constructing it at Ground Zero is decent, and kind, and respectful of Americans' sensitivities. - Carol Platt Liebau, Town Hall.


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