Saturday, October 2, 2010

Michigan Football: Rantin' and Ravin' About The Wolverines' Win Over Indiana


The 480 passing yards the defense allowed Thurs Indiana. Ouch.

The botched snap on the 1 yard line Indiana. Michigan would've gone up 21-7 at this point in the game.

The refs. I'm not sure what it is about Michigan, But it Seems Like They get a lot of shoddy Calls Against Them. The refs single-handedly Kept one of Indiana's drives alive Because of a couple bad calls. This drive resulted in a Hoosier touchdown.

The offense Denard's post-injury. After Denard Went out (for a couple plays), his Effectiveness Dropped Significantly Indiana and Michigan forced four punts right in a row.

The end zone fight instigated by Taylor Lewa. Kid Needs to control Himself.

The time of possession. Indiana absolutely owned the clock. IU for 41:47 and 18:13 only for Michigan - Yikes!

Lack of a RB (who Is Not named Denard). Vincent Smith Had a few nice Carries, But Still Is not there an Established back.

Indiana's fans. They cheered "when Denard Went down with an injury, apparent. Cheered! I was so offended When I Heard Them. Also, They Could Be heard chanting "Break his legs" EARLIER in the game. Absolutely pathetic.



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