Friday, October 1, 2010

'Project Runway' - Season 8, Episode 10 Recap

April and her mother get a day off from designing.
'Project Runway' is hateful for making the most Deceptive Commercial previews. For a good week, They Have Been toting this "Someone Will Break the Rules" story line. So What Happened This Week? Nothing! It's in the preview for next week. Again.

The challenge was a re-hash of last season's Challenge HP Where The contestants got to design Their own textile patterns. Sadly most of the outfits paled in comparison Thurs Seth Aaron's Emilio's jacket or skirt. This season the contestants had occurred to Use Their childhood memories as inspiration.
Most of the contestants had occurred Their mothers come and visit, except for Michael C. WHO Got His mother and his son, Christopher and the WHO HAD his visit very attractive partner. Each of Them Got time off to vent about life, But it Took Toll ITS WHO has Andy lost all his focus. Sadly, they threw his mother under the bus DURING the critique. Andy's dress looked like a weird '60s Hooker. Andy Really Should Be eliminated, Even though his clothes last week were amazing.

Ivy Must Be Jealous Because the show has really Become the Mondo show. Not only did Mondo continue his amazing streak of really edgy pattern matching and silhouette, But they opened up to America a huge secret: He's HIV positive. Not only That was hugely brave, But When They Told the Judges it made sense Thurs Them, and They realized how his pattern lifted a negative situation into a positive one. The amazing thing about his pattern was That they matched it on the legs Perfectly So You Could not Notice Any seaming issues. They was the clear winner for a Third Week in a Row.

Gretchen Had a Slight mom of Humanity with her mother, But she Quickly Returned enthusiasm for being a bitch "when work progressed. When she called the Christopher's dress and a C Considered Making a boyfriend sweater for her own outfit, I knew That she only talks the talk. While I understood her wholesale "Southwestern Peacock 'design, two thoughts stayed in my head: The NBC logo, and That her model's breasts looked twisted Because of the pattern. I have no clue what "disco earthy" was, But guest judge Rachel Roy's "Almost" critique was where I was going.

When Valerie said "I'm gonna design like I did in the beginning of the competition," I did not think she was literally going to Borrow ideas from her napkin dress. The skirt of the dress had occurred promise, But why she created That top was beyond me. The top was Not Sexy, But the blue slip on the bottom was a bigger offender. When she was eliminated, I thought her good-bye Speech to all the contestants reminded me of 'The Wizard of Oz. "

As for the rest of the contestants, April's design was nice, But she hasn't really broken her mold. It's Shocking That Neither Nina nor Garcia, Michael Kors've Called Her a one-note designer, Instead of "consistent." We haven't seen big splashes of color from her at all and that's worrying. When she tried to add color, Tim Suggested Removing it. How Christopher is still on this show is baffling Frankly. Are not we beyond shopping at Sears? The Michael C. Design that was originally made so much Better Than His final product. They HAD no "path" element in his original concept and the yellow touches give me wrong for the "evil eye" theme they had. Why Did not they use red elements? They Would've Tied into the pattern.

There were moments That made us realize Valerie Will Be Missed - she stopped saying "Cray Cray" is early. She mentioned the phrase "LatAsian" Which made it an Ivy Shem That was nicer note she was portrayed, or there Would we at Least Some interesting moments Between Valerie and Ivy That are now on the cutting room floor.

Were you Satisfied with the elimination? Leave comments below.


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