Wednesday, November 3, 2010

2010 US Election Results: West Coast and Late Breaking Results

Some late breaking results are trickling in from the West Coast as well as Other Races That Have Been too close to call. It Appears That the Democrats will narrowly hold onto the Senate and the House Surely lose. The Margin Is Not Completely clear yet and somethings Races May take a few days to sort out. I am grieving Alaska is one of Them. In the Senate, there are somethings in New Races That Have Been Called. The Biggest news is from Nevada. Harry Reid is projected to win over the Tea Party Candidate, Sharron Angle. This was a tough and hard fought battle. Reid Will Remain the Senate Majority Leader, although Many people counted him out. 

News media Such as Huffington Post and NBC all a Predicted Reid defeat.Ron Wyden, Democrat incumbent from Oregon, is projected to win handily. In the state of Washington, incumbent Republican Mike Crapo, defeated his Democratic opponent. Barbara Boxer, the incumbent Democrat from California, beat Carly Fiorina. Republican Mark Kirk won the Senate seat in Illinois. Democrat Daniel Inouye won re-election in Hawaii. With Inouye's win, Democrats will hold onto control of the Senate. Pat Tommey, the Republican Senate Candidate from Pennsylvania, won in an extraordinarily close race. Tommey claimed victory before news Outlets Even Called the race. With Tommey's win, the GOP Picked up six new seats in the Senate. 

There are a few Senate races are still That too close to call. In Colorado, The Race Between Republican Ken Buck and Democrat Michael Bennett Still Can not be called at this late hour. Bennett is the Leading, and the precincts counted Been That haven't are more Democratic Regions. In Washington, it is still too close to call a winner Between Dino Rossi and Patty Murphy. 

Proposition 19, California in the Measure That Would legalize marijuana for personal use, is likely headed for Defeat. I am grieving Thousands of Californians are lighting up in the depression. Note to all the big money That defeated Prop 19 - Just Because Remains Illegal Pot does Not mean people aren't smoking. You Wasted your money. In better news, California Voters soundly defeated Prop. 23, a Ballot Measure backed by Big Oil Interests That Would've Suspended California's landmark global warming legislation. "In the midst of a major Economic down turn, and with a barrage of fear mongering and Scare Tactics, Voters Said They still want a clean energy future," said Tom STEYR, Co-Chairman of the Well has 23 campaign. 

As I write this, Republicans have won 43 seats Currently Held by Democrats and are Leading in Another Two Dozen districts. Democrats have only Picked up two Republican seats, hurting Their chances of keeping the party in power. Republicans Need to capture 40 seats to win back the control of the House, That They lost in 2006. In cringe Worthy news, Rep. Michele Bachmann has won the most expensive campaign in the history of the House of Representatives in Minnesota. Bachmann Founded the House Tea Party Caucus. The three way Senate race in Alaska Will Probably Not Be Known For a Little While. The polls close at 1am EST in Alaska and we will report the results As They are Known....


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