Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ella Rose Riehle Born 8-9-10 at 11:12

Ella Rose Riehle Born 09/08/1910 at 11:12 am - Meet baby Ella Rose Riehle, she has Become a star thanks to an incredible set of numbers. 
This precious bundle of joy arrived in the world has 08/09/1910 at 11:12 pm therefor making it impossible for her parents Thurs forget her date of birth. 
Do you think this baby will Ohio be punctual in her life? 

Ella Rose's mom Terri Riehle Riehler arrived at Christchurch Hospital to Be induced, and Expected something great Thurs occur vain never imagined her baby That'd Become famous. 
Terri Riehler Told a local reporter: 
"I'm like 'Oh! Easy! I will not get my kids birthdays' mixed up. "08.09.1910 ... It'll be easy to remember, good to go!" She said. 

Dr. Peggy Heis Ken Delivered to the girl with the special vain no unique birthday (That more about later on) said: 

"And then just joking I Said," That would perhaps not be fun if Happened at 11:12, "" Ella Rose Riehle's beaming father, Scott Riehle added. 
"I looked at my mother-in-law right as the baby was coming out and I looked up at the clock and I tapped her and I started pointing at the clock, like look, look," said Scott Riehle. 

Not only did Riehle Ella Rose made her big debut is 08/09/1910 at 11:12 pm Almost vain she weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces. 

Ella Rose IS NOT the only person with the rare birthday, Brianna Gerbers was born is also Life Style vain 09/08/1910 at 11:12 am weighing 7 pound, 1-ounce in DuPont Hospital in Fort Wayne, Ind.. 
Brianna Gerbers' parents, Michelle and Greg Gerbers are happy Thurs not have a fourth child.


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