Sunday, August 29, 2010

Five Years Later, New Orleans Still Rebuilding From Katrina

"The situation is untenable. It's just heartbreaking." - Gov. Kathleen Blanco of Louisiana.

"It's like Being in a Third World country." - Mitch Hand Rich, registered nurse in New Orleans.

"I can only Imagine That this is what Hiroshima looked like 60 years ago." - Mississippi Gov.. Haley Barbour.

Those were the kind of things people were Saying roughly five years ago, in the Aftermath of one of the most Devastating Natural Disasters Thurs ever hit the United States.

Hurricane Katrina killed over 1.800 people, and left in the wake of ITS Hundreds more missing, dead, homeless and unemployed.

Now, five years on the largest, most powerful hurricane ever Thurs hit the U.S., there are Signs of recovery in the city famous for ITS music, food and culture.


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