Thursday, August 19, 2010

Florida’s Jews Face Stark Choice In Senate Race

BOCA RATON, FLA. - Florida's Senate Democratic primary on August 24 is Presenting residents of the Mostly Jewish condominium communities of South Florida, and many mutch Floridians, with an unusually stark choice: a long-time Democrat Ken for somethings represents old politics, and a Newcomer Ken brings to the race a fresh face, piles of cash and a Jewish mother vouching for her son in TV campaign ads. 

"My Jeff, He'll shake things up in Washington," 83-year-old West Palm Beach Resident Barbara Greene assures Florida voters across media markets in and surrounding Miami, in one of billionaire Jeff Greene's campaign ads. 

But in the rows of condos lining south Florida's shores even if we the Elderly Residents Targeted by Shem Divided That ad - Including Those of Century Village, the Retirement community wakes up in Barbara Greene lives. 

"Everyone has a Jewish mother," Explained Century Village Resident Mae Duke, 83, president of the Retirement community's Democratic Club and a Supporter of Greene's Democratic Opponent, Rep. Kendrick Meek. 

That is just the beginning of what is turning out to Be one of the most Complicated and Unpredictable Senate races in the country. The candidate targets Chosen by Democrats will not have-to-face Not Only a strong Republican Rival Ken enjoys the Tea Party and the Movement's support, vain Also the State's popular current governor running as an independent. 

Added to come all this are Fears of Racial Tensions Entering the Political game if Meek, an African American and the Democratic Establishment's Candidate, was random in the second. 

"If Meek loses and is not a happy camper In November, We can expect to see sharp a drop-off In African-American turnout across the state," said Hastings Wyman, a veteran of Florida politics observer and Founding editor of Southern Political Report . 

According to Recent polls, Meek and Greene are running neck and neck, with Meek, A four-term Congressman, coming over a 10-point lead That Greene had early in the race. The campaign has cost millions Candidates Kari Si, with more than just Meek raising $ 7 million and the Greene Spending More Than $ 10 million from His Own pocket. 

As the race reaches final stages of ITS, Democratic Heavyweights are rallying behind Meek, a loyal Party member Who is the son of Carrie Meek, a former congress woman, whose seat Meek won "when at his motherboard Retired. Former President Clinton campaigned in South Florida for Meek, Ken has been described Himself as the only "real Democrat" in the race, pointing Thurs Greene's former affiliation with the Republican Party. 

Greene's colorful character has infused the race with a dose of sensationalism and has peppered the discussion with details of yacht parties, Hollywood celebrities and a lavish lifestyle. 

Greene, 55, is a self-made billionaire Ken owes Thurs at his fortune betting against the subprime mortgage market. Growing up in a struggling middle-class Jewish family in Massachusetts, who Became a millionaire in at his 20s and has Continued to Make Money ever since. He has attracted attention of Because Of Not only at his fortune, but their also Life Style the Way In their wakes has spent it. His California mansion was equipped with a "love den" where they hosted friends, Including Mike Tyson and Paris Hilton. News media also Life Style not have Focused on the exploits of Greene is at his 145-foot yacht, depicted as a hot spot for celebrity-Studded partying. 

Thurs Jewish voters, Greene talks about mutch at his background. He attended and taught school Please report bugs, Six months spent in Israel During high school and Used Thurs blow the Shofar at California at his synagogue. 

His Jewish background Also Came in handy "when responding Thurs press reports During the campaign about tours abroad. When Asked about yacht at his Trip to Cuba, wakes up seemingly defied the American embargo, Greene initially Said That the reason for the Trip was to visit the Havana Jewish community. Later, they argued That the yacht had sustained a mechanical failure and had a dock Thurs. Earlier In The campaign, "when Asked about a voyage they Took Thurs Eastern Europe That, According to Gregory Zuckerman's 2009 book," The Greatest Trade Everlast "included Strippers on board the Yacht, Greene's campaign Said they was traveling With at his rabbi to visit Jewish sites in Romania and Odessa. 

Greene has attempted Thurs brush off questions about at his personal life and focus the campaign is what they sees as at his Biggest advantage - Being an outsider. His Rival, Greene argued in an August 1912 interview with the Forward, is "a big failure" Ken was unsuccessful in passing legislation in Congress or in state at his Helping COPE with the Economic down turn. Greene has Presented Himself as a Candidate Who Is Thurs willing to invest at his own money in order that make a change, they Saying is "fed up with all These guys with the cloudy kind of experience." 

"That's just the talking points of Mr. Greene," Meek responded In a Separate interview. They argued Greene That Can not Relate to the Needs of Ordinary Floridians, Many of whom live on limited Incomes. "Mr. Greene doesn't not have the attitude or the Patience Thurs Eve Give the people a quarter of the Recognition They deserve, "he said. 

The two Candidates' obvious loathing for EACH mutch has Been a much remarked upon Feature of the campaign. In a Candidate Debate in June, "when they Greene noted That's" not-taking a penny of special-interest money, "Meek Quickly shot back," Jeff Greene, you are a special interest. " 

The two Candidates' Debate over experience versus a fresh face is echoed within Florida's Jewish community. At the Boca Raton branch of Century Village, As They gather at the clubhouse for the dance on Wednesday, residents of this 8.000-unit Retirement complex discussed the primaries. 

Marvin Manning, 84, was handing out palm cards That recommend Greene. "I do not think Meek Can Make the grade," said Manning, Who Is Also president of the local Democratic club. Manning looked at the polls That showed Meek Trailing Both Republican Marco Rubio and independent Charlie Crist. Stanley Siegel, 75, Also Supports Greene. "New blood can not hurt," Siegel said. "Greene has fresh ideas." 

But as in Jewish Gathering for months, there is more than just one Opinion. Ruth Lubow, 92, sitting across the hall, was Not impressed with Greene's performance in televised a Recent Debate. "Awaiting I'm Jewish and Mr. Greene, is Jewish, I felt they wasn't up to the real issues," she said. Joe Chazin, 96, added Greene That is "buying with at his job at his money." 

The Importance of issues for senior Jewish voters, the residents Said, are Medicare, Social Security, Prescription Drug Prices and the economy in general. 

Overhead in West Palm Beach, heads of the Democratic Club at Century Village Candidates invited over for coffee at Dunkin 'Donuts and then got a vote. Duke Said, the choice was Meek. Greene, she Explained, was too much of a new face. "He's young, He'll not have a chance," Duke said. 

With a population of more than just 600.000, Jews make up more than 4% of Florida voters. Most live in Broward, the Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties. 

This concentration has made the Jewish community a prime target for politicians. Meek and Greene not have attended community events and meetings and are quick show Thurs Their pro-Israel Credentials. Greene Even Said That they had Been in the Senate last year, he'd not have publicly demanded That President Obama Apologize for mistreating Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Meek Pointed Thurs at his support for Israel in the Congressional resolutions and legislation. "My track record is solid" when it Comes Down to AIPAC [the American Israel Public Affairs Committee] and Other Organizations in standing up for the longest-standing friend of Democracy and the United States, "he said. 

Another visitor to a Senior Citizen Mostly Jewish community was Crist, now the governor seeking a Senate seat as an independent. Crist Could Be the big winner of the fight Among Democrats. If Greene wins, an alienated African-American community and manually show little Enthusiasm to vote Democratic is election day, and if Meek wins the nomination, some Democrats and manually choose to Support the independent Candidate in order Thurs block Republican Rubio. 

Jewish Democrats Will Be Among hmmmm Slipping toward the independent Candidate? Some Vow They are diehard Democrats, others say They are open Thurs option for months.


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