Astros fan Bo Wyble seemingly lacked chivalry "when a foul ball Came at his way on Monday night - and now they lacks a girl friend.
Three days on a video showed Wyble jumping out of the way of an incoming line drive just before the ball Struck at his then-girlfriend on the arm, the two made an appearance is CBS '"Early Show" is Thursday morning and announced They are no longer a couple.
But Sara Saco-Vertiz, the girl hit near the right elbow by Chris Johnson's foul ball, the Breakup insisted had nothing to do with what famously Happened at Minute Maid Park.
At the end of an interview with CBS 'Harry Smith, the two were Asked if They were still together. Then, on looking at EACH mutch awkwardly, Sarco-Vertiz replied, "I mean, it's not over Because of the ball." Then, she was cut off by Smith, Ken Said, "There's more than just me want to Know."
The couple - or, ex-couple - Thurs admitted moving down During the game Thurs hmmmm occupy seats hugging the left-field line. Wyble Maintained That they only moved out of the way Because they lost the ball in the lights.
"I Stood up to catch it, and then" when it got really close, I just lost sight of it, so I moved, and I figured she wasn't still sitting still, "Wyble explained. "I figured she'd move."
Still, Sarco-Vertiz Shem Did not angry on Monday night or Thursday morning, Saying, the pain was "a Six" is a scale Thurs 10
"Honestly, it wasn't That bad," she said. "I have a high pain tolerance."
Sarco-Vertiz admitted she's "incredibly" surprised by the attention of.
"It's, like, not big news," she said. "But it's the fact-That, like, So Many people watched it, I did not think that was going to happen. And then got me" when interviewed by That Lady or what ever [During the game], I just Thought it was going to go on, like, the big screen [at the stadium]. That's it. "
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