Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday The 13th Makes The World Superstitious: Wake-Up Video

Today is Friday, August 13, wakes up for a lot of people MEANS bad luck. (Though for Other People, it will mean a Ritual exploration of the work of Jason Voorhees.) But why is Friday the 13th so unlucky, and how did These superstitions begin? 

In some Ways, it's a paranoia Relatively new, as the first reference to the Written Being unlucky day Did not come UNTIL the 1800s. But it began much earlier Probably as a combi nation of two common Fears. Friday is an unlucky day Considered Among Christians Because, According to folklore, Jesus Christ was supposed Thurs Have Been Crucified on a Friday (hence the Good Friday holiday). The number 13 has Been Considered unlucky for centuries, as the number 12 is Considered perfect and round (hence the 12 numbers on a clock), while 13 is Considered irregular and evil. (There's another Christian connection, as 13 were considered lucky in paganism Because of the cycles of the moon, so it was deemed unlucky by Christians Trying Thurs purge paganism During the dark ages.) 

Whatever the Origins, the Fears persist. The phobia is called the Formal friggatriskaidekaphobia, and as Many as 21 million Americans May be afflicted. Businesses May lose as much as $ 900 million in business is Any Given Friday the 13th Because of superstitions (as people NOT TO Tend travel and some do not leave the house Even). However, some airlines say They see no real decreases in travel against mutch Fridays (Especially in the summer) and there are conflicting reports about Whether or Not There are more dangerous accidents is a Friday the 13th We are in the Any Other Day. 

Whether You Believe or Not, it's Probably Best To Have a little extra luck in your pocket, wakes up is why You should start your day with Madonna's "Lucky Star."


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