Thursday, August 12, 2010

Meteor Shower Will Wow Gazers Overnight

(CNN) - There's still time to charge That laptop and brew some coffee before the Perseid meteor shower peaks on Thursday night and predawn Friday. 
OK, it's easy to under stand why the coffee will come in handy During the long watch over night. But the laptop? 
Meteor gazers can join a live chat with NASA astronomer Bill Cooke. The Marshall Space Flight Center astronomer will answer questions beginning around 11 pm Eastern Time on Thursday. 
Also, NASA is broadcasting live the hums of the meteors As They whiz by. 
With a waxing crescent moon Expected Thurs set before hand, and hence less moonlight in the way, forecasters are optimistic to expect one of the best Celestial bothered of the year, weather permitting in your neighborhood. 
With good viewing conditions on, stargazers Might Be Able To Catch CONFETTI 40 meteors per hour, said. 
"The August Perseids are Among the strongest of the readily observed annual meteor showers, and at maximum activity nominally yields 90 to 100 meteors per hour," columnist Joe Rao Said in at his column. 'Anyone in or near a city bright lights Suburban will see far customize. " 
NASA advises Viewers That "the Perseids shower will begin around 10 pm YOUR localtime. However, the best times to view are on midnight and before dawn, with the best activity around 3 am to 4 am local time. Best are conditions on a clear, dark skies away from city lights. Go outside and look straight up at the sky. " 
The Perseids Can Be Seen all over the sky, but their opportunities Welcome to the best viewing will be across the Northern Hemisphere. Those with sharp eyes will see That the meteors Radiate from the direction of the constellation Perseus. 
The Perseids Have Been Observed 2.000 for at least that many years and are Associated with the comet Swift-Tuttle, wakes orbits the sun once every 133 years, NASA says. Each year in August, the Earth passes through a cloud of the comet's debris. These bits of ice and dust burn up in the Earth's atmosphere to Create one of the best meteor showers of the year.


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