Friday, August 13, 2010

Perseid Meteor Shower Tonight – Time & Tips to Watch Meteor Shower

The Perseid Meteor Shower is an annual Astronomical event that takes place in early August. It is a Fascinating sky event and people will be Able Thurs Witness a Celestial fireworks display. Current year 2010, people Can Observ Perseid Meteor Shower over the night of Thursday 12th to Friday August 13th, 2010. The Perseid Meteor Shower takes place as the earth passes through the rock fragments and dust left from an ancient comet Swift-Tuttle called the. As These small particles, no bigger than a grain of sand collide with the Earth, aos atmosphere resulting in a Luminous, startling Streak of light across the sky. Every picture frames and this Observ Easily it Can Be a wondrous spectacle. 

When can you see the Meteor Shower? 

The exact time of the Perseid meteor shower IS NOT known astronomers vain Expected not have the optimal viewing times Between the hours of 8pm and early tomorrow morning around 2am. If you are in the U.S., the peak earlier in May be your night, while for hmmmm in Asia and the East, the peak May be later in your night. 

What equipment do you Require Thurs Observ the meteor shower? 

Thurs Observ the meteor shower, no equipments are required. You Good to see it with your eyes. If you Give your eyes some time (say 15 minutes), it will help your observation Thurs Become adapted to the darkness. 

Binoculars May Also Thurs Observ help, however on the other hand, They May Restrict your view to a small part of the sky. The meteors create in the region of Perseus vain They May Become visible just about anywhere in the sky. 

What, aos the Best Way to See the Meteor Shower? 

An area with minimal light is the best way to view this shower (and for months meteor shower, for That Matter). You, Äôll get a much better view if You Can drive to the country Where there are no street lights or buildings. Additionally, if you live near a lake or are visiting a cottage and not have a boat,-taking the boat into the middle of the lake or ocean will be, by far, the best way Thurs Observ the show. 

Some tips to watch the meteor shower show: 

Arrive at your destination at least that many viewing 15 minutes before your viewing time. That is the average time it takes for human eyes adjust Fully Thurs Thurs darkness. 
It is best Thurs outlook the event in a rural area, away from city light. Only the Brightest streaks will be observable in Urban Areas. 
Carry a blanket or reclining lawn chair. Sitting with your neck skewed for hours in a normal chair can get painful. 
Bring a decent amount of bug spray. Particularly Mosquitoes love to feast is a meteor shower fans. 
The meteors will instigate from the constellation Perseus. For prime viewing, drive north toward the constellation. 
Avoid looking at your cellphone or Any Other light as Both destroy night vision. Use a red light if you Have to look at something on Earth. 
Put away the telescope or binoculars. Allow your eyes and hang loose don, AOT look for months in one spot for Specific. Relaxed eyes will rapidly in the zone for months the Movement is up above. 
Dr. Bill Cooke, head of the Meteoroid Environment Office, Gave some information on the Perseids is the NASA site: 
Appear Perseids usually yellow, but their some people say They have a slight greenish tint. 
The meteors of the Perseids hit the atmosphere at a speed of 133.000 mph. 
Though exude the meteors from the constellation Perseus, Avoid looking there to see the truth. Instead, keep your eyes on the sky straight Above you, wakes astronomers call the, Äúzenith., AU 
In order for a Thurs meteor hit the Earth, It Must Be Larger Than the width of a football field, wakes'd technically make it an asteroids. 
A Meteoroid Measures a just millimeters to a centimeter across the vain Streak of light Makes it Can range from the length of a battleship Thurs miles. 
In the western sky, four planets will be visible Also tonight. 
Meteor shower lights up Twitter video from Youtube:


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