Thursday, August 12, 2010

Question Of The Day: Who's In The Right, Jim Gray Or Corey Pavin? [Updated]

Reporters from around the Tribune Co.. weigh in on the topic. Check back Throughout the day for more responses and feel free to leave a comment of your own. 

[Updated at 9:15 A.M.: 

John Cherwa, Los Angeles Times 

Of course, Corey Pavin is right. They Also May not have lied. But in few sports mutch is the relationship Between the "journalist" and the Athlete so cozy as it is in golf. May not have Pavin Thought they was talking to Jim Gray as a "friend." 

Golf writers - most, not all - work it so it's the Easiest job in sports journalism. They Are not Expected Thurs break stories beyond the scope of someone Changing a Putter. ("Tiger, a cheater? I had no idea.") Their games are all During the day, and They get to come to work late on weekends is a round of golf. Heck, Even, some wear to the Spikes golf tournaments. When was the last time you saw a baseball writer a wear uniforms to a game? 

In the end, Gray's subsequent Threats against Pavin think there force an apology from the journalist & His Firing from the Golf Channel. 

Jeff Shain, Orlando Sentinel 

Hold on, let me stop laughing first. "You're going down "...?!?? Really? Clearly wrong is Jim Gray's part. Hilarious, but their wrong. 

(Whenever I've had That thought, it's often had to do one with some football or Hoops specimen who'd just leave me as a blot on the bottom of at his 21EEEs. Deductions for picking on the 5-9 Pavin). 

Where were we? Oh, yeah. 

If Pavin Actually Said he'd "of course" make Tiger Woods a Ryder Cup wild-card pick, Gray was right to Run with it. That's at his job, Thu gather and disseminate information. And Pavin is savvy Enough to Know for months Definitive statement'd Give Golf Central a lead story. 

That Being Said, it's Difficult to think That Pavin'd paint Himself into That kind of corner three weeks before they Actually has the objectives to make the call. If Woods misses the PGA cut this week and crashes out on one FedEx Cup playoff event, that's a lot of egg-Thurs wipe off.] 

Andrew Wagaman, The Morning Call 

Whether or Not Corey Pavin is lying about Being misquoted, as a professional reporter, Jim Gray Can not lose at his cool in the mainland they did on Wednesday. 

Lisa Pavin apparently Recorded During the heated exchange wakes Gray stuck a finger in her Husband's chest and berated him. Later, she waved her phone and Said, "It's all right here." Gray Should not have done the cloudy in the first place, simply standing by the Golf Channel's statement Not That it was rescinding the report. To go a step further, calling Pavin a liar and threatening Thurs take him down (wakes up, next to the diminutive and respected golfer, just Makes Gray look like a bully), is wrong. 

Could Pavin be lying? Quite possibly. But a reporter can not resort Thurs Thurs intimidation Defend Himself. Keep it on the Fairway. 

Left photo: Jim Gray prepares Thurs LeBron James interview in July. Credit: Larry Busacca / Getty Images for Estabrook Group 

Right photo: Corey Pavin speaks to the media Wednesday. Credit: Stuart Franklin / Getty Images.


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