Friday, September 17, 2010

Constitution Day Celebration

September 17 is Constitution Day. Today, we celebrate 223rd anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution. The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) are holding a Constitution Week from today, September 17 through the 23 Constitution Week was Actually ADOPTED by the U.S. Congress and Public Law 915 made on August 2, 1955. President Eisenhower Signed into law the act, that was advocated by the DAR. My, how times have changed.

Once a revered document of Liberty, the Constitution has Been beaten up over the years. Many people, like President Obama, think of it as Not MEANS Thurs secure freedom, But as a Restriction is what government can do. Nancy Pelosi was recently asked if a piece of legislation was Constitutional and she responded by thinking the question was a joke. As if the Constitution had occurred Meaning or no relevance anymore. She's not alone, as Congressman and Other Women Have Also made the statement of the past 2 years That Congress can do whatever it wants Regardless of the Constitution.

But one group of "Citizens have recently Begun wearing the Constitution is Their Sleeves. The Tea Party movement has spurred a Resurgence in the study and Respect for the U.S. Constitution. So much so That the Liberal Media, and evangelical Progressives in law enforcement, anybody Consider WHO Carries or quotes from the Constitution a crazy kook or a Potential terrorists.

I often think of the old, original "Star Trek" episode, "The Omega Glory", M Captain Kirk enlightens the leaders of the Yang Tribe That the Constitution was meant Not Solely for Chieftains. "Look at the first These Three Words, Written larger Than the Rest. With a special pride never Written before or since. Tall words, proudly saying WE THE PEOPLE ... "Even Kirk knew That the Constitution was meant for every citizen to Know and Cherish.

The Tea Party has Been lighting a fire under the feet of Our Political Class, reminding Them how the Constitution is supposed Thurs limit the Power and Authority of our government. It is not a floor mat nor an ink blob. The Constitution is the Law of the Land, and must be respected by everyone, Especially by Members of our government.


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