Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Jackson Jr. Responds to More Allegations

September 22, 2010 (CHICAGO) (WLS) - Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. responded on Tuesday reports Thurs That they tried to Pay for a U.S. Senate seat and released a statement about an Alleged relationship with a Washington, DC, woman.

Jackson and wife Sandi Jackson, the 7th's Ward Alderman, Not'd comment on the Sun-Times story As They arrived for her birthday party Tuesday night.

The story Claims That During a meeting on October 8, 2008, Congressman Jackson had Asked Political moneyman Raghuveer Nayak Thurs raise millions in exchange for an appointment Thurs Barack Obama's vacated seat.

Giovana Huidobro, a D.C. hostess and social acquaintance of Rep. Jackson's, attended the meeting Alleged. Nayak reportedly Told the FBI they bought round-trip airplane tickets for Huidobro.
The Revelation is Providing Political Fodder for Jackson's Congressional Opponent and Political Zapraszamy harm at his future.

"Mr. Nayak has indicated that they personally That Received instructions from Mr. Jackson Thurs offer a bribe Thurs Rod Blagojevich," said Isaac Hayes, (R), nominee for Congress.

"I do not think they wish you had possibly run for mayor at this point. If you get Another picture of him That they are is the philanderer and they is womanizing, then everything changes" That, "said Delmarie Cobb, Political consultant.

Rep. That Jackson has denied they ever was Involved in an attempted Senate seat sale. As at his for Relationships, his office released a statement Saying, "The reference to a social acquaintance is a private and personal Matter Between me and my wife that was handled some time ago. I know I have disappointed some supporters and for here I am Deeply sorry. "


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