Wednesday, September 22, 2010

See You at the Pole...

Christian students across the country are Gathering at Their schools this morning Thurs pray before classes began. The annual "See You at the Pole" rally Musters students around Thurs Meet Their school's flagpole Thurs publicly seek God, pray, read Scripture and worship. One and a half million students will participate today.

"God, join with me These young people all across America today, the WHO are seeking credits for you and your Blessing in Their schools, Their Families, Their generation, and this nation. Without you and your Blessing me can do nothing. But you promise That That the Generations seek you will find you, and will find your Blessing. We join with this generation of young people seek your favor Thurs. As a people but we have gone our own way. We not have forgotten the foundations of faith. Today, while we come Thurs Admit our need dependency and Thurs ask for your grace Thurs Forgive and your grace to find the destiny you intend for us. May this new generation lead the way in following your Ways. May new leaders from the Rise Among Them, Thu chart a course of Courage back to your heart. In Jesus' name! "


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