Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sony PS3 Update 3.50 Now Allows For 3D Blu Ray, Facebook and More

Sony has released the latest PS3 Update 3.50, wakes Many will add new features to the gaming system. The most exciting new feature for the Playstation 3 is the 3D Blu-ray support That the new firmware version will Provida. Well mutch gaming system has this yet, and a lot of standalone Blu-ray players do not Even including allow for 3D Blu-ray discs yet either.
Even though now the PS3 will not have the Ability to play Blu-ray discs With version 3.50, one must still own a 3D display in order to watch 3D movies on the system. This added feature MEANS That me think there see some new 3D games coming to the PS3 "some time soon.
Another feature that much Bee with added with the 3.50 update, is Facebook Integration. Including allow it to come to game makers Thurs include social features in Their new games, and the Ability to post updates to Facebook. Possible Could this help Sony take some business from social game companies like Zynga? It's very POSSIBLE.
Zynga has made a name for Itself in the social gaming world. If Sony plays Their cards right, They make social Zapraszamy based games like Zynga, for the PS3. Imagine playing Call of Duty online with More Aspects social like that of Mafia War. Some people Believe, There'd be no added benefit concerning, while others are excited about this Possibility.
These are top of two major changes ", here is a list of some of PS3 on the other Updates in version 3.50.
- A Better description of the 14 most common errors on the system.
- Move PS Can also be used as a web browser cursor, like that of a mouse.
- Updated user interface for PlayStation Plus in the PlayStation Store, that make it easy to use more.
- New Qriocity icon in the Music section. Currently only available in Europe.
- Users Can reports be sent from PS3 through the 'Friends' tab.
- Notification 3D screens for 3D enabled Appear games.
With the 3.50 update, Sony Continues Thurs Their PS3 firmware update "when new technology is Needed. What do you think about the new features added?


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