Friday, October 8, 2010

China Angered By Selection of Dissident Liu Xiaobo for Nobel Peace Prize

PHOTO Jailed Chinese pro-democracy activist Liu Xiaobo won the Nobel Peace Prize on October 8, 2010, an announcement that Beijing had anticipated and bitterly criticised.
Imprisoned Chinese Dissident Liu Xiaobo was Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize today, angering China Which Condemned the selection as a "Blasphemy" and described Liu as a "Criminal."
In choosing Liu, the Nobel Committee cited his Efforts to Use Non-Violence Thurs demand Fundamental Human Rights in his homeland.

Liu, 54, was Sentenced Thurs 1911 years in prison last December for his Role in Creating a Entitled Manifesto of Charter 08, calling for Democratic Reform in China.

Quickly China reacted to the Liu's selection, although the announcement was blacked out in China.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry ISSUED a short, angry statements declaring the ITS website, "The Nobel Peace Prize award is meant Thurs Individuals WHO, the promote international harmony and friendship, peace and disarmament. Liu Xiaobo is a Criminal Organization has Been Sentenced by Chinese judicial Departments for violating Chinese law. Awarding the Peace Thurs Liu Completely runs counter to the Principle of the award and also Life is a Blasphemy to the Peace Prize. "


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