Friday, October 8, 2010

Chinese Official Calls Nobel Prize Award 'Blasphemy'

Blasted Beijing, a Chinese Dissident's Nobel Peace Prize win on Friday, calling the Decision Thurs award Liu Xiaobo the honor "Blasphemy."
Ma Zhaoxu, Spokesman for China's foreign ministry, said the award is supposed To Be Given Thurs Those who "the promote national harmony, international friendship" and Work Toward Peace. Serving Liu is an 11-year prison term after being Sentenced in 2009 for inciting subversion of state power. They is the co-author of Charter 08, a call for Political Reform and Human Rights, and was an adviser to the student protesters at Tiananmen Square in 1989.
"Liu Xiaobo is a convicted Criminal Sentenced to Jail by Chinese justice. His Acts are complete in Contradiction to the purpose of the Nobel Peace Prize," Ma said.
The selection of Liu was made by the Norwegian Nobel Committee, whose president said the Dissident won for his "long and nonviolent Struggle for Fundamental Human Rights in China."
HOWEVER, Ma said That while China and Norway have recently had occurred "good relations," the Committee's Decision Would Harm future dealings Between China and Norway.
The strongly-worded response Came in stark contrast Thurs glowing reaction from around the world.
"Awarding the Peace Prize Thurs him is the international community's Increasing Recognition of the voices among the Chinese people in China Pushing Towards Political, Legal and Constitutional Reforms," said the Dalai Lama, the WHO wOne the prize in 1989. "I believe in the years ahead, the Future Generations of Chinese Will Be Able Thurs enjoy the fruits of the Efforts That the current Chinese Citizens are making Towards Responsible Governance."


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