Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Our Puppy's Keeper: Christianity and The Care of Animals

All over the U.S. Animals (Well, Mostly dogs) gather the Church Lawns, in city parks and evangelical sanctuaries inside somethings to 'Blessed Be' is the Feast of St. Francis. To me, this is a lovely sight - animals returning to the sanctuary. For Some People It Might Shem strange, or maybe Inappropriate evangelical, in Christianity for this Multi-Species Celebration Thurs happen. But it does happen and with increasingly frequency. I think Francis of Assisi Would be quite happy about These Gatherings Taking his place is a feast day.

So what is at stake here? Why are somethings Christians starting Thurs reconsider the place of Animals in Their Religious Lives? And Why Might Some Christians worry about the implications 

First and foremost, the world is a precarious place for other-please-human animals. And I would argue - and often do - That the world is an increasingly hostile and dangerous place for Many Animals Because Of Humans. Food Production Systems have Turned animals into mere units of Production. Cows, Pigs and Chickens live Tragic, Short and Painful lives in this industrialized process. Forests and Waterways That once were homes for So Many Species are being used up or polluted ie, scores of Species That Will Disappear by the end of the twenty-first century (or Sooner). A world without polar bears, orangutans and Blue Whales is a much lonelier place, Even for Six Billion Humans. Certainly, Religious Traditions have something to say about this? If They do not, if Religions are silent is all of the WHO live animals on the earth, then narrow Traditions They are indeed.


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