Thursday, October 7, 2010

Toxic Red Sludge Hits the Blue Danube

Toxic Sludge Hits Danube
Toxic red sludge from a burst reservoir Hungarian Metals has takeing a tributary of the mighty Blue Danube River, But Officials say the goo's Alkalinity has Been Diluted Enough That Will not it cause widespread Contamination.
The Danube is Europe's second-longest river, weaving through half a Dozen nations besides Hungary - all of Which Could Face Environmental disaster if the Waters were poisoned.

"The red mud pollution has not takeing the Danube - its so-called Mosoni Branch - about 10 kilometers (six miles) from the main branch of the river," Deutsche Welle quoted Tibor Dobson, the local head of Hungary's Disaster Relief Services, as saying.

All fish've Already Died in Hungary's Smaller Marcal River, Reuters quote Dobson as saying. But the sludge's toxicity is getting weaker as it flows into the Danube, and there Have Been no reports of fish dying in the main river's branches, they said.

The Leak's pH content - a Measure of ITS acidity - was originally Above 12 and is now under 10, Dobson said, According to The Guardian. Bout Those Readings are Still Considered Above what's safe and harmless, levels Between 6 and 8.


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