Alexander Gustafsson picks up his second UFC win by Submission in the second round. Gustafsson is a good, Quickly Improving prospect in the UFC's Light Heavyweight Division
Gustafsson lands a sneaky left punch early in the first round and follows up with a flurry of Punches. Gustafsson drops Diabaté. Gustafsson, shows off his Improved Grappling by controlling Diabaté on the ground. Diabaté is cut is the top of his head. A huge uppercut by Gustafsson drops Diabaté. Diabaté tries Thurs muster somethings offense by landing a body kick. Gustafsson again lands uppercuts Diabaté is in the clinch. Gustaffson Diabaté trips from the clinch and the fighters are on the ground. Gustafsson, stays on top Until The End of the First Round.
Diabaté gets into the clinch of Gustafsson. Gustafsson takes down Diabaté. Diabaté Gives the back mount Thurs Gustafsson. Gustafsson lands big somethings Punches from the back mount is Diabaté. Gustafsson, locks up the Rear Naked Choke and Diabaté taps.
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