Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Paczki Day: Ann Arbor leads country in Google searches for jelly-filled pastries

The city, in Fact, Leads all regions of the country in Google searches today for paczki, According to the search engine's web analytics. Southfield, Detroit, Troy and also Life in Chicago are generating plenty of paczki searches.
Paczki Day, Which Annually coincides with Fat Tuesday, is a local celebration involving Excessive Consumption of fat, jelly-filled Polish Pastries.
It's the kind of polarizing Which day in office mates invariably declare Their admiration or disgust for the high-calorie items.
Even Those WHO Previously spurned the Pastries CAN Become susceptible Thurs Their sticky allure. Gourmet food destination Zingerman's, Which Previously HAD never made paczki, Accepted and preorders Originally Planned Thurs Produce 100 paczki for Individual sale today.
HOWEVER, Due to surging demand, Zingerman's ended up making about 500, an associate said.
Unfortunately for Ann Arborites Those searching Google for paczki options, They Were Almost Gone as of 11:45 am Just a few Dozen left. So sorry.
Still looking?
Better get back That is a Google search Thurs track down your very own paczki before it's too late.
Contact AnnArbor.com 's Nathan Bomey at (734) 623-2587 or nathanbomey@annarbor.com. You Can Also to follow him on Twitter or Subscribe to AnnArbor.com 's newsletters.


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