Friday, August 13, 2010

Dr. Laura Schlessinger Uses N-Word With Black Caller

Dr. Laura Schlessinger Used the N-word 11 times over the course of five minutes. When a black female caller wanted Thurs ask Dr. Laura about Racial boundaries, the Doctor Took it upon herself Thurs offend The entire listening community. Listen to the audio clip rant. 

Dr. Laura Schlessinger went is an N-word rant "when a black female caller was describing her Difficult situation at home. The woman talked about her troubling imprecision with her white Husband's friends and Their odd questions and conversations That Racial often cross boundaries. 
Dr. Laura dismissed the woman's comments right off the bat and claimed she That Even Makes off-color jokes with her black Bodyguard. 

The caller tried that make her point by Bringing up the N-word. Dr. Laura apparently saw no problem with this and cited the black male community and comedians as users. She 'spewed' the word monetize times OFFENDING clearly what should be the caller. The show went on a commercial break before the caller and manually respond. Below is the transcript of the discussion That Followed the break. 

Caller: Is it OK to Say That Word? Is it ever OK to Say That Word? 

DR. LAURA: It depends how it's said. Black guys talking To Each Other Shem Thurs think it's ok. 

Caller: But you're not black, they're Not Black, my Husband is white. 

DR. LAURA: Oh, I see, so a word is restricted to Race. Got it. Can not do much about URL. 

Caller: I can not believe someone like you is on the radio spewing out the n ***** word, and I hope everybody Heard it. 

DR. LAURA: I did not spew out the n ***** word! 

Caller: You Said 'n *****, n *****, n *****" and I hope everybody Heard it. 

DR. LAURA: Yes They did, and I'll say it again: n *****, n *****, n ***** is what you hear is HBO. 

[Cross Talk] 
DR. LAURA: Why do not you let me finish a sentence? Do not take things out of context. Do we NAACP, Leave Them in context. 

Dr. Laura's final comment before hanging up with the caller was, 'If you're hypersensitive about That color and do not not have a sense of humor, do not Marry outside of your race. " 

Dr. Laura has since apologized for the use of the word, But the Damage is done. 

Do you think the N-word is appropriate 'for anyone, regardless of race, Thurs use?


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