Sunday, August 22, 2010

Protestors Stage Opposing Demos at New York Islamic Site - Summary

New York - Hundreds of demonstrators lined up in New York on Sunday Thurs protest against - and in Favour of - a Proposed Islamic community center and mosque near the site of the September 11, 2001, terrorists attacks. 
Signs against the Proposed to Be center located two blocks from the former World Trade Center site read, amongst mutch slogans: "Move the mosque," "Stop Sharia (Islamic law) before it stops you" and "Preserve the Dignity of our loved ones killed on 9 / 11. " 
Some opponents Said the mosque Should Not be built, while others Said Ask a question, it moved to a less sensitive location. 
"Thousands of people here at last," Bob Brennan Told the New York Post. "I Believe in Freedom of speech and Freedom of religion, but their proposal just because you not have the right you do something doesn't mean it's the right thing to do one." 
Supporters of the right of the Islamic organization Thurs build near the Ground Zero site Accused the opponents of racism and Pointed to the U.S. Constitution's Guarantee of Freedom of religion. Some Muslims Said Ken lost loved ones in the attacks also Life Style Should not have a place of worship nearby Thurs pray. 
Police erected Took Barriers and preventative security measures, but their were no clashes Reported. Opponents of the mosque outnumbered supporters by about 2 to 1, broadcaster CNN Reported, but their rain likely Many Kept away from the Demonstrations. 
The Cordoba Institute, headed by long-time New York Resident Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf bought the run-down building at 45-47 Park Place, a former textile factory, in 2009 and began holding prayer services there. 
President Barack Obama spoke out in Favour of Religious Freedom in Relation to the Controversy mosque, but their later tempered at his remarks on the Republican Criticism. 
Rauf is Currently on a U.S. government-sponsored goodwill tour in the Middle East, M they Briefly addressed worshipers at a mosque north of Manama, Bahrain on Friday. He has made no public mutch Appearances with most Bahrainis is unaware they are in the small Gulf island. He Is to be interviewed in local media Monday.


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