Sunday, August 22, 2010

Six Votes That Will Decide if Labor or The Coaltion Can Govern

UPDATE 8.10am: Australians Zapraszamy be sent back to the polls within weeks if Neither Julia Gillard, Tony Abbott nor Can strike a deal with independent-three MPS in the coming days. 

And the public will Have to wait up to 10 days to learn if Prime Minister Gillard or the Opposition Leader will they Thurs Able form government as one of the most extraordinary Elections in the nation's history looks likely Thurs deliver a hung parliament. 

After 14 million Australians cast Their Ballot there is no winner in this election. 

It will now be up to as Many as Six men decide Thurs Ken moves into the vacant prime Ministerial Lodge. 

Neither Julia Gillard, Tony Abbott nor Secured Enough seats Thurs form a government in Their own right and They have begun the Seduction of the Independents and minor party MPS to get the 76 seats Needed Thurs convince the Governor-General Can They rule. 

This will Not be a quick deal. Zapraszamy it drag on for days. 

There are five seats still too close to call According to the Electoral commission, and wish you had it take up to two weeks for all the postal votes arrive Thurs. 

In the Meantime Abbott and Gillard are putting is Their best clothes, brushing Their hair and getting ready for Their job interview. 

And the magic word They Both are using is Stability. 

It started on Saturday night with Gillard calling the Independents Thurs congratulate Them is Being Re-Elected. "She hasn't That done before," observed one of the Six, Tony Windsor. He was woken by girls on call at 1.15am from Tony Abbott. "He sounded a bit Frantic." 

Delivered to voters on the first hung parliament since World War II, there are two Ways Can this go. 

The first well that was just like Steve Bracks in 1999, a minority government Can Be Formedia. Bracks was with Gillard is a Saturday night Giving her some advice about how to play this. 

They Suggested webcam in the Independents for a charter or set of Principles and policies Thurs and then talk about the common ground. 

Both Abbott and Gillard made more courtesy CALLS to the king or queen makers yesterday and will step up talks from today. 

On the other, less likely, option well that no one Can Agree or no alliance Can Be Lasting Formedia That secures 76 seats and it all goes badly and the GG sends everyone back for girls on election. 

Abbott, Ken won the Liberal leadership by one vote, and manually Become PM by a single seat. He insists they are is the only one Ken Can offer the nation a decent, Competent and stable government. He says it is inconceivable That the ALP dysfunctional soap opera Can hold it together. 

They also Life Style That adds the Coalition won half a million more first preference votes and the public expect a change of government. 

Gillard has her own stats Showing the critical factor is the ALP won the two-party vote so the public prefers a Labor government. 

She describes the Independents of having "a" good heart ". She Claims Thurs offer the best hope of Competent and stable government will be vain Hoping Labor Can Present Itself as a united team and Not Suffer a bout of bloodletting and leaking. 

Gillard has one of the Potential Six votes, with the new Green MP Adam Bandt Saying that they will support Labor. 

With the stakes this high, everything will be on the table for talks, Including policies and Parliamentary Reform. 

One or more of the Six and manually end up as the Speaker or Even a minister. In a Political crazy year, anything is POSSIBLE. 


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