Thursday, September 23, 2010

GOP's New 'Pledge to America' Puts $19B in HIT Stimulus Funds at Risk

House Republicans' newly released Legislative Agenda, "A Pledge to America", "Includes a call to Cancel for Any unspent money from the Economic Stimulus Program, According to a report by the New York Times.

Unspent Funding Stimulus Would include $ 19 Billion in Health Care IT Incentives That HHS Plans Thurs Dole Out to Hospitals and Physicians offices That upgrade from Their IT Systems to Meet Federal 'meaningful use "criteria.

House GOP Leaders Did not Specifically address HIT funding, included the Pledge Bout Their Plans to roll-back of non-discretionary Spending Thurs 2008 levels before the tarp and the stimulus were Passed bills, saving $ 100 Billion in the first year alone.

As part of the stimulus fudning, Each hospital nudged Receive As much as $ 11 millionb and Physicians' Offices Could Receive As much as $ 44.000 to $ 64.000 Fri physician. The 21-page Plan Also Calls for the repeal of the Healthcare reform law, presuming a GOP Takeover of Congress in the November Elections. In Any Case, President Obama Would Be EE Thurs veto GOP Actions Against Both the Health Care Reform and Stimulus Acts.

"A Pledge to America" is Divided into Five Policy Areas: the Economy, Government Spending, Healthcare, Government Reform and National Security. "Across America, the people see a government in Washington That Is not listening, and doesn't get it doesn't care," said House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio).

Read the New York Times report on health care IT.

Read coverage is a Healthcare IT.


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