The GOP's "Pledge to America" is pretty brief When It Comes Thurs immigration issues: It advocates the control of the border, Enforcement of Immigration Laws and Strengthening Visa security. (Notably absent? Any paths Thurs legalization for Illegal Immigrants Already in the countryside.) The document does Not go so far as Thurs name Specific Policy Recommendations, But it hints at a few That Might anger Immigrants rights groups.
Here are the immigration-related items, Followed by Their likely policy implications ":
Likely translation: The GOP wants more border enforcement, Probably Including Additional troops to the border. This May include an expansion of Operation Streamline, Which is part of Arizona Sens. John McCain and Jon Kyle's 10-point border security plan. Operation Streamline federal mandates Criminal Prosecution of all border crossers in Certain Regions. Experts have questioned Whether either Of These methods Really Makes the US-Mexico border Safer: Critics say the border May Already Be Saturated with troops and Operation Streamline has proved Not Been Effective at deterring Illegal Immigrants.
The line is prohibiting the Departments of the Interior and Agriculture from interfering with the Border Patrol Enforcement May Be The Most Specific. Conservative groups have criticized current policy Because the Border Patrol must Receive permission from the two Departments before Changing ITS techniques are federal lands, Which are protected by the Environmental designations. The Department of the Interior has worked with the Department of Homeland Security To Try To Stop Illegal Immigration, Which They argue is Harmful to the environment of the border-state open spaces.
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